Brand Identity
Case Study
A Clever Brand for a Clever Company
The old brand name, Werosys, was a slightly pedestrian combination of their products’ main qualities, not very catchy, and in no way an accurate description of the clever company behind it. We changed that.
REFINE is quite simply a clever company. They think software and automation first, machinery second, and that is why their converting solutions are top of the line.
That kind of approach deserves an equally clever brand profile, and that is exactly what drew up.
A refined new brand name in place of one that didn’t hold weight.
A beautiful brand well-suited for a modern, intelligent company.
Design elements to back up those rather bold claims.
Promotional activities equal parts fun and efficient.
Thoughts Behind the Name
The transitive verb, refine, has two meanings:
1. To improve and perfect something
2. To free something from impurities or unwanted material
Both are somewhat relevant to this company, as the first meaning is an exact representation of what their products do, and the second can describe their approach to product development.
REFINE quite literally refines labels and flexible packaging with intelligent converting and finishing solutions, free from constraints in the development process by taking a holistic approach and looking at software and automation before building the actual machinery.

Product ID
In addition to naming the company, we also renamed their product family – now the COMPACT, CREATIVE, and CONCEPT lines. Compact because it has the smallest footprint of any machine of its kind, creative because it adds a design element on top of its “little brother”, and concept because it gives you free reins to create exactly the machine concept you want.
Product Branding
The mark of any good product family is cohesion – and that’s what we’ve added to REFINE. Similar product names, designs, and signage, so you’re never in doubt as to who or where these products come from.

As with any major rebranding project, we got to work introducing the new-look REFINE across a plethora of platforms.

Tone of voice
Another import aspect of any new brand is its tone of voice, based on a cohesive understanding of the company’s values and way of thinking. The following represents the simple, clever, and innovative nature REFINE portrays through communication on all platforms.
Simplicity in communications results in impact. It means presenting REFINE’s complex products and services in the clearest way possible.
Central to the brand expression, their clever approach to engineering is articulated through clear, precise and contemporary language.
Communicating and reflecting on their grasp of the digital domain (Industry 4.0, IoT etc.) serves to demonstrate REFINE’s innovative, technical abilities.